Germany started criminal investigation into social media user for mocking politician for being 'fat' --Section 185 of the German Criminal Code covers derogatory opinions, defamatory remarks, or expressions that show disrespect or contempt. According to German authorities, the penalty could be up to one year in prison or a fine. | 1 Sept 2024 | German officials attempted to start a criminal investigation into a Gab social media user who allegedly called a left-wing female politician "fat," but the platform refused to comply with the German authorities' invasive demands to uncover the person's identity, the platform told Fox News Digital. The Federal Criminal Police Office (Bundeskriminalamt-BKA) contacted Gab about a user insulting the weight of politician Ricarda Lang, a prominent leader of an environmental party in Germany. It requested information that would identify who the individual was, under the suspicion they resided in Germany, so that they can continue their criminal investigation. Torba called Germany's request "one of the more ridiculous foreign data requests that Gab received… [T]hey wanted us to dox a user for calling a female politician fat." Gab's official response was to inform the German government they should "get bent," the CEO, Andrew Torba, told Fox News Digital. [Excellent, Andrew Torba! Also, every single person on social media should be calling attention to her girth all day long, 24/7.]

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