9th Circuit Court rules AZ residents must have citizenship proof for state voter registration form | 19 July 2024 | The 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals has ruled that Arizona residents must provide proof of citizenship to use the state voter registration form. The court on Thursday granted a partial stay of the U.S. District Court of Arizona's ruling in May, now allowing part of the state's 2022 laws on federal-only voters to take effect, Votebeat reported. The temporary stay requires residents who cannot provide proof of U.S. citizenship to use the federal voter registration form, rather than the state voter registration form. Arizona is a state with the unusual situation of bifurcated elections, in which residents who provide proof of U.S. citizenship can vote in all elections while the others may vote only in federal elections, resulting in ballots cast by voters who haven't proven their U.S. citizenship.

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