U.S. moves more forces into the Middle East to prepare for 'imminent' Iranian strike on Israel - Pentagon sends aircraft carrier that can intercept missiles to the Red Sea in warning to Tehran | 12 April 2024 | The U.S. has moved more forces into the Middle East to prepare for what officials believe could be an "imminent" strike by Iran on Israel that could spark a full-scale war. The Pentagon is beefing up its presence in the region and the USS Dwight Eisenhower has been sent into the Red Sea in a warning to Tehran and to protect American personnel should the violence spill over, multiple reports suggest. U.S. officials fear that hundreds of drones and dozens of missiles could be used in a retaliation for an April 1 strike on a building adjacent to the Iranian embassy in Damascus, Syria. Iran's Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei vowed retribution in the wake of the Damascus attack, for which Tel-Aviv has yet to take responsibility. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has vowed to respond with force to any assault by Iran, leaving tensions in the Middle East on a knife-edge. Defense officials on Friday said they are moving "additional assets to the area," hours after the U.S. Embassy in Jerusalem locked down its staff.

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