Every NATO member has military personnel in Ukraine - Estonia --Western advisers and instructors are actively supporting Kiev's forces against Russia, the defense minister has said | 1 April 2024 | Every NATO member already has military personnel in Ukraine, Estonian Defense Minister Hanno Pevkur claimed on Monday. Under no circumstances, however, will forces from the U.S.-led bloc take part in the hostilities against Russia, the minister insisted in an interview with Austrian media outlet Die Presse. NATO servicemen are operating in the embattled country as advisers and are involved in training Ukrainian soldiers in Poland, the UK, and Estonia, Pevkur told the outlet. Western defense officials are currently planning to set up training camps in Ukraine in a bid to avoid issues with border crossings and to speed up the preparation process, he added. At the same time, Pevkur insisted there is no talk of NATO soldiers fighting directly in the conflict, stating, "This has already been ruled out."

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