Ukraine aid bill is a Trump impeachment 'time bomb' - U.S. senator --The legislation is a "deep state" effort to undermine a possible Donald Trump presidency, a Republican senator claims | 13 Feb 2024 | Republican Senator JD Vance has argued that a new bill proposing additional military aid for Kiev could spell another impeachment case against Donald Trump should he win reelection in November, calling the measure a "time bomb." In a memo circulated on Monday, Vance noted that the latest Ukraine package calls for funding which would expire "nearly a year into the possible second term of President Trump," suggesting that Democrats could ultimately impeach him if he chose not to renew the aid. "If President Trump were to withdraw from or pause financial support for the war in Ukraine in order to bring the conflict to a peaceful would amount to the same fake violation of budget law from the first impeachment," Vance wrote, adding that "Partisan Democrats would seize on the opportunity to impeach him once again."

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