'Barbaric attack using Western arms' - Moscow decries Ukrainian shelling of Donetsk | 21 Jan 2024 | The shelling by Ukraine of the Russian city of Donetsk on Sunday, which claimed the lives of at least 25 civilians and wounded 20 others, was "a barbaric terrorist act" carried out with the support of the West, Russia's Foreign Ministry has said. Sunday's bombardment of a busy market in the capital of Russia's Donetsk People's Republic was inflicted with weapons supplied to Kiev by the U.S. and its allies, the ministry said in a statement. "This again confirms [the West's] direct involvement in the conflict and makes it complicit in the criminal acts of the Zelensky regime, which has once again displayed its inhumanity and hatred towards innocent people," it said. "The West's unrestrained desire to inflict a 'strategic defeat' on Russia through the hands of their Ukrainian puppets, whom it is eager to support mindlessly and without limit, is pushing the Kiev regime to increasingly reckless steps, including acts of terrorism, massive violations of international humanitarian law, and war crimes," the ministry added.

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