Wisconsin university sued for allegedly demoting staff member from diversity position for being 'white' --'It was exclusively Hoffman’s identity as white that was the issue,' the complaint states | 21 Dec 2023 | A University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire staff member sued her employer over being ousted from a position in a campus diversity office allegedly for being "white." The lawsuit alleges that when Rochelle Hoffman was promoted to UW-Eau Claire's interim director of the campus's Multicultural Student Services office, the school's former Vice Chancellor for Equity, Diversity and Inclusion and Student Affairs Olga Diaz was told by students that a white woman was not fit to preside over a position intended to serve students of color. "You hired a white woman as the Interim Director?" one student was cited in a federal complaint against the university... The complaint also says that while Hoffman was working in Blugold Beginnings and the Multicultural Student Services, her ratings on a performance review praised her as "exceeds expectations" and "Outstanding."

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