Deadly virus outbreak triggers mass train evacuation | 21 Dec 2023 | The death on a train of a 12-year-old girl exhibiting flu symptoms prompted Russia's Investigative Committee to initiate a criminal case on Thursday. The child was part of a group of over a hundred schoolchildren, all of whom were subsequently taken to the hospital for health assessments. Some 125 children, reportedly from Russia's Lugansk People's Republic, were returning from a health camp in Tyumen, Siberia, chaperoned by adults. On Wednesday evening, the health of one of the girls dramatically deteriorated, authorities said. At first, she had a temperature of 39° Celsius (over 102° Fahrenheit), which was brought down with fever-reducing medicines. However, a few hours later, the girl “turned pale and lost consciousness,” according to the Telegram channel Mash Ural.

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