January 6 'Shaman' Says No Investigation Opened Into Ukrainian Spy at U.S. Capitol Riot | 13 Nov 2023 | There have been no investigations or arrests in connection with Ukrainian spy Serhiy Dybynyn who infiltrated the pro-Trump crowd at the US Capitol on January 6, 2021 alongside multiple other individuals in a clear "setup" aimed at the former US president, Jacob "Shaman" Chansley told Sputnik. "Ukrainian spy Sergei Dybynyn...was there on that day with 1+1 media, a media organization tied to Ukrainian oligarch Ihor Kolomoisky, who largely was responsible for the rise of [Volodymyr] Zelensky...And there's no investigation into that. There's no arrests being made there," Chansley said. Chansley said that various factions, including Antifa and Black Lives Matter, infiltrated the pro-Trump group to create the illusion that Trump supporters were violent.