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President Trump to Address Libertarian Party Concerns at National Convention on May 25
President Trump to Address Libertarian Party Concerns at National Convention on May 25 | 1 May 2024 | The Libertarian National Party, the Party of Principle, announced today that President Donald J. Trump has responded to an invitation and challenge from the Libertarian Party to speak at its National Convention and directly address concerns voiced […]
Gab’s Response to the German Government’s Data Request
Gab's Response to the German Government's Data Request | 30 April 2024 | We have just received a data request from the German government concerning a user who, back in 2022, made a comment that was deemed "offensive" by a German politician. This comment, which referred to the politician's weight, has prompted the German government […]
House votes to expand definition of antisemitism amid anti-Israeli war demonstrations rage across U.S.
House votes to expand definition of antisemitism amid anti-Israeli war demonstrations rage across U.S. --Critics have attacked the bill as government overreach and said it would negatively impact free speech on campus | 1 May 2024 | The House voted to expand the legal definition of antisemitism used to enforce anti-discrimination laws at a time […]
Columbia University suspends press access on campus amid pro-Palestine protests
Columbia University suspends press access on campus amid pro-Palestine protests | 30 April 2024 | Columbia University banned media access on its campus Tuesday as pro-Palestine protests continue. "Media access to campus is suspended. Campus is accessible only to CUID-holders and essential personnel as a safety measure and that includes media," read an announcement on […]
Trump doesn’t rule out cutting aid to Israel
Trump doesn't rule out cutting aid to Israel --The ex-president has grown more critical of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu since leaving office | 30 April 2024 | Former U.S. President Donald Trump has refused to rule out withholding military aid to Israel to force an end to the war in Gaza. Once a stalwart […]
Dozens arrested when NYPD cops storm Columbia campus to clear out anti-Israeli war mob
Dozens arrested when NYPD cops storm Columbia campus to clear out anti-Israeli war mob | 30 April 2024 | Several hundred NYPD cops stormed onto Columbia University's campus on Tuesday night to oust a pro-terror mob that illegally took over an academic building amid ongoing anti-Israel protests on campus. The cops cleared out the group […]
Biden administration considering giving refugees from Gaza permanent safe haven in the U.S. with access to housing and a pathway to citizenship
Biden administration considering giving refugees from Gaza permanent safe haven in the U.S. with access to housing and a pathway to citizenship | 30 April 2024 | The Biden administration is considering allowing some Palestinians to come live in the United States as refugees. CBS News reported Tuesday that senior officials across several federal agencies […]
DHS docs reveal where paroled migrants under controversial Biden flight program are landing
DHS docs reveal where paroled migrants under controversial Biden flight program are landing --The Biden-era parole migrant program was expanded in January 2023 | 30 April 2024 | Department of Homeland Security (DHS) data is revealing the more than 45 cities in the U.S. that hundreds of thousands of migrants have flown into via a […]
White House Is Considering a National Climate Emergency Declaration to Unlock Federal Powers
White House Is Considering a National Climate Emergency Declaration to Unlock Federal Powers --"Youth activists" [aka WEF elites behind Agenda 2030] push Biden for move ahead of November election --Emergency proclamation could be used to halt exports, drilling | 17 April 2024 | White House officials have renewed discussions about potentially declaring a national climate […]
Israel will invade Rafah ‘with or without’ cease-fire, hostage deal, Netanyahu vows
Israel will invade Rafah 'with or without' cease-fire, hostage deal, Netanyahu vows | 30 April 2024 | Israel Defense Forces will roll into the refugee-dense southern Gazan city of Rafah regardless of a cease-fire agreement, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu vowed on Tuesday. Recent advancements in truce talks with Hamas fueled uncertainty over whether Israel would […]
Columbia University locks down campus buildings following overnight protests: ‘Effective immediately’
Columbia University locks down campus buildings following overnight protests: 'Effective immediately' --The lockdown came as an unruly mob of anti-Israel protesters broke into Hamilton Hall shortly before 1 a.m. | 30 April 2024 | Columbia University has been forced to close its campus indefinitely after an anti-Israeli war mob broke into an academic building early […]
U.S. Marshal among 4 law enforcement officers killed in shooting near Charlotte – one suspect dead, 2 others detained
U.S. Marshal among 4 law enforcement officers killed in shooting near Charlotte - one suspect dead, 2 others detained | 29 April 2-24 | An agent with the U.S. Marshals and three police officers were killed Monday and four other officers wounded when they were met with a hail of bullets while trying to serve a warrant in […]
Florida dolphin dies of ‘mutated’ bird flu that is 18 TIMES more resistant to drug treatment
Florida dolphin dies of 'mutated' bird flu that is 18 TIMES more resistant to drug treatment --The dolphin was infected with highly pathogenic avian influenza A (H5N1) virus of HA clade | 29 April 2024 | A bottlenose dolphin in Florida has become one of the latest mammals to die from bird flu, according […]
Hotel in trendy NYC neighborhood quietly converted into shelter for migrant families
Hotel in trendy NYC neighborhood quietly converted into shelter for migrant families | 28 April 2024 | A hotel in one of New York City’s trendiest neighborhoods has been quietly converted into emergency housing for migrants for the past several months. Mayor Eric Adams's administration has recently awarded a $12.3 million emergency contract to a […]
UN rights chief ‘horrified’ by reports of mass graves at two Gaza hospitals
UN rights chief 'horrified' by reports of mass graves at two Gaza hospitals | 23 April 2024 | The UN human rights chief, Volker Türk, has said he was “horrified” by reports of mass graves containing hundreds of bodies at two of Gaza's largest hospitals. Palestinian civil defence teams began exhuming bodies from a mass […]