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Separate bills for billions in foreign aid for Israel and Ukraine not a done deal in GOP-led House
Separate bills for billions in foreign aid for Israel and Ukraine not a done deal in GOP-led House | 30 Oct 2023 | Newly elected House Speaker Mike Johnson, R-La., has made clear he'll propose separate spending bills this week for billions in assistance to both Ukraine and Israel but his conference isn't in full […]
U.S. deploying air defenses and 900 troops to the Middle East for ‘protection’
U.S. deploying air defenses and 900 troops to the Middle East for 'protection' --Pentagon admits more attacks on U.S. bases | 26 Oct 2023 | The US military will deploy 900 soldiers to the Middle East to bolster its "force protection capabilities," officials said. The personnel will operate new air defense batteries sent to the […]