Democrat Derek Tran Ousts Republican Incumbent Michelle Steel in OC's Bright Red District 45 More Than 3 Weeks After Election Day | 27 Nov 2024 | Democrat Derek Tran unseated Republican incumbent Michelle Steel in Orange County, California's bright red District 45 more than 3 weeks after Election Day. Rep. Michelle Steel conceded on Wednesday, one day after Derek Tran declared victory. Rep. Steel served two consecutive terms in Congress. This is what happens when ballot harvesting is legal, ballot "curing" for weeks after the election is allowed and there is no voter ID. Trump carried the down ballot and flipped several blue counties red in California. The red wave in California was so big that even Los Angeles swung to the right by 16%. However, in a miracle of all miracles, Democrats somehow won Orange County's bright red Districts 45 and 47 AFTER Election Day. Every ballot dump AFTER the election went in favor of Democrat Derek Tran -- this is brazen fraud. [And the grifters, frauds, and useless eaters aka the RNC does *nothing.*]

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