Trump's backers deserve a 'smack' - Biden | 3 Nov 2024 | Joe Biden has condemned Republican nominee Donald Trump's promise of lower taxes for high earners, and lashed out at "macho guys" who support such ideas. He made the remarks during a campaign stop in his birthplace of Scranton, Pennsylvania on Saturday, in support of Kamala Harris, the Democratic candidate in the election on Tuesday. "There's one more thing Trump and his Republican friends want to do. They want to have a giant tax cut for the wealthy," Biden told the local chapter of a carpenters' union. "Now, I know some of you guys are tempted to think it's macho guys,” he continued, in an apparent reference to Trump's supporters. "I tell you what, man, when I was in Scranton, we used to have a little trouble going down the plot once in a while. These are the kind of guys you'd like to smack in the ass," he said, showing gritted teeth and clenched fists. "By the way, I'm serious," he added.

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