Volunteer firefighter who rushed to help Hurricane Helene victims in his helicopter is threatened with arrest by local officials --"I was legal in what I was doing, and I was following all FAA guidelines and airspace guidelines. I was on private property." | 2 Oct 2024 | A volunteer firefighter using his own helicopter to help save Hurricane Helene victims was threatened with an arrest while halfway through helping an elderly couple. Jordan Seidhom, a former cop and volunteer firefighter, has been using his personal chopper to reach those cut off from rescue teams following the devastating storm. But while halfway through rescuing an elderly couple in Lake Lure, North Carolina, on Sunday, a senior official with the local fire department told him he would arrest him for doing so... Thirty minutes after of the arrest threat, a temporary flight restriction order was also implemented over Lake Lure, right where he and the official faced off. Seidhom believes that the move to have himself and other pilots pushed out of the rescue zone put peoples lives at risk. "I'm sorry, if I had to do it over again, I would have stopped and I would have rescued as many people until they decided they were going to arrest me." [Right, just like the DEW-destroyed Lahaina where BlackRock hovered hungrily, the Biden-Harris regime wants as many people out of the way as possible: there's a lithium mine that needs to be built in one heck of a coincidence in the exact same area devastated by the hurricane. --LRP]

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