Minnesota grandma jailed for defying Walz COVID lockdown orders: 'You do not want tyranny at this level' --Lisa Hanson, a mother of eight children and soon to be 18 grandchildren, warns Americans against electing Minnesota Gov Tim Walz as VP: 'He will take your rights away' | 13 Aug 2024 | Lisa Hanson, a former wine and coffee bistro owner thrown into jail for violating Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz's lockdown orders, told Fox News Digital that the now-Democratic vice presidential candidate essentially "shut down and destroyed" her small business, warning Americans, "You do not want tyranny at this level."  Hanson owned businesses with her husband for more than 30 years. At the time the COVID-19 pandemic was in full swing in 2020, Hanson said the Interchange Wine & Coffee Bistro in Albert Lea, about 90 miles south of Minneapolis, had been open for eight years. Her wine and coffee bistro initially complied with the shutdown ordered that March. However, Hanson said she watched for months afterward as Walz never fully re-opened the state when it came to businesses deemed nonessential, such as the bars, restaurants, gyms, dance studios and hair salons. By contrast, the governor never shut down liquor stores, big-box stores or even strip clubs

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