Anthony Fauci's department tried to create mutant monkeypox virus that had pandemic potential - Congress report | 12 June 2024 | Dr. Anthony Fauci's former department "deceived" Congress over its plans to create a Frankenstein monkeypox virus that had pandemic potential, a new report says. The National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) submitted plans to create a more transmissible and more lethal strain of Mpox in 2015, when Dr Fauci was still in charge of the agency. The plans only received widespread attention in late 2022 - amid concerns that Covid may have been borne out of similar experiments using U.S. government grant money in China. The blueprint to create a mutant Mpox virus raised major concerns among experts and led to an investigation by the House Energy and Commerce Committee, which released the results from its year-and-a-half probe this week. The report said the HHS, NIAID and NIH repeatedly "obstructed and misled the committee" about whether the risky experiments had been approved and conducted, describing their cooperation with the probe as "unacceptable and potentially criminal."

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