Keep corrupt, dishonest Andrew Cuomo from office, warns FDNY battalion chief whose parents died during pandemic | 1 March 2025 | FDNY Battalion Chief Sean Newman's parents Michael and Dolores Newman died in 2020 after then Gov. Cuomo's executive order allowed hospitals to send COVID-19-infected seniors to long-term care facilities -- which were compelled to accept them. Newman and his wife Janice Dean, senior meteorologist at Fox News Channel, have said their family was a victim of Cuomo's "deadly leadership." Newman tells the FDNY officers union why Cuomo is not the right candidate for mayor of New York City.
"UFOA Board of Directors, As you debate the difficult and complex decision of candidate endorsements, I wanted to express to my opposition to Andrew Cuomo's candidacy, or any attempt by him to return to public office. Disgraced former Gov. Cuomo is corrupt, dishonest and uses well-known intimidation tactics to get his way, which is something my family and I have never bowed to... My parents died within 2-1/2 weeks of each other, and they died alone. At the time, we had no idea that our former governor had issued a directive on March 25, 2020 to flood New York's senior facilities with over 9,000 Covid patients -- a decision that we believe could have killed my parents. We are not angry simply because an order was issued doing a chaotic and confusing time. We are angry for the reasons the March 25 order was sent out, which was designed to be in the best interests of healthcare executives and not in the best interest of an aging population with compromised immune systems. These decisions were based on politics and exacting control on the population, as opposed to science and public benefit."